3 Ways Insurers Try To Minimize Your Claim

After a car accident in which you sustain serious injuries, you are in a very vulnerable position. Your medical bills are stacking up, you may lose your wages from work, and you may even have to rent a vehicle for the time-being. Insurance companies know the position you are in, and they will use it to their advantage more often than not.
While unfair, it is the reality for car accident victims that need compensation for their injuries. If you have been hurt in a crash, you should prepare yourself for the three most common ways insurers will try to delay, deny, or reduce your claim.
Offering a Low Settlement Amount
Insurance companies will make a settlement offer right away in the hopes that you will happily accept it and the claim will go away. They have good reason to hope for this, as many accident victims do accept the first offer made. Unfortunately, insurance companies will never offer you a fair settlement right away. The amount the insurer offers will not be enough to fully cover the cost of your injuries and because you will have to sign a form releasing the insurer from further liability, you cannot go back and pursue more compensation.
Using Your Words Against You
Unfortunately, anything you say after the accident can be used against you. This includes what you say to police officers that arrive at the scene of the accident, and the insurance adjuster that will handle your claim. Insurance companies will use your own statements to try and refute your claim and show that it was your own negligence that caused the accident. They do this so they can pay you as little as possible, or not pay you at all. For this reason, it is important that you do not volunteer too much information, and that you never apologize for the crash.
Arguing You had Pre-Existing Injuries
Insurance companies will use your medical records to claim that you were already injured before the crash and that your injuries were not caused by the accident. They do this so they do not have to pay your medical expenses and other damages related to that injury. It is true that car accidents can exacerbate pre-existing injuries, but that does not mean you do not deserve compensation for them. If you had not been in the accident, your injuries would not have been aggravated and you would not have suffered the same types of losses.
Our Car Accident Lawyers in Marietta will Ensure You are Treated Fairly
The insurance adjuster is not your friend after an accident and they may not treat you fairly. At The Strickland Firm, our Marietta car accident lawyers have the necessary experience negotiating with insurance companies, and have helped countless accident victims successfully resolve their case. We will put our experience to work for you, too. If you have been hurt in a crash, call us today at 1-844-GAJUSTICE or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.