Steps to Take After a Pedestrian Accident

Motor vehicle collisions involving pedestrians can be particularly deadly. According to a Car and Driver article, pedestrian fatalities were higher in 2019 than they had been in the previous 30 years. There are a variety of potential reasons that pedestrian death rates have risen, including more SUVs on the roads and an increase in the use of smartphones while driving (even if handheld or other cell phone use is illegal for motorists). As the article underscores, Georgia was one of five states—along with Arizona, California, Florida, and Texas—that accounted for nearly half of all reported pedestrian deaths last year.
While many pedestrian collisions are deadly, others may result in nonfatal injuries. If you are injured in a collision with a motor vehicle while you are on foot, it is critical to take steps to preserve your right to compensation. The following are steps you should take if you get hurt in a crash involving a car or truck.
If You Can, Document the Scene
Many pedestrian collisions result in extremely serious injuries, rendering the pedestrian unable to document the scene of the accident in any meaningful way. However, if you are able to do so, it is important to document the area where the crash occurred, taking photographs of the scene itself, the motor vehicle, and your injuries. If there are any questions about how the accident happened, your photos can be used to support your version of the case.
Seek Witnesses
Again, only if you are physically able to do so, you should seek out witnesses to the collision. If anyone saw the collision happen or spoke to the driver, it is extremely important to obtain names and contact information. Your personal injury attorney may be able to take statements from those witnesses to support your case and to get you the financial compensation you deserve.
Visit a Healthcare Provider
Whether or not you have obviously serious injuries, you need to see a healthcare provider as soon as possible after the accident. Some injuries might not have clear signs immediately, but a doctor can identify them. In addition, a healthcare provider can document your specific injuries, and can provide the type of information necessary to prove that the injuries occurred in the motor vehicle collision.
Discuss Your Case with a Personal Injury Attorney
As soon as you have taken care of any medical emergencies arising out of the collision, seek help from an experienced personal injury lawyer in Georgia.
Make Sure to File Your Lawsuit On Time
If you are working with an experienced Georgia personal injury attorney, your attorney will make sure that your lawsuit is filed before the statute of limitations runs out. However, if you wait too long to seek advice about your claim from a pedestrian accident attorney, you could end up in a situation where your claim has become time-barred. Under Georgia law, the statute of limitations for your case is most likely two years from the date of the collision. If you fail to file a lawsuit within two years from the date the car struck you, Georgia law says that you can be barred from recovering any damages. Do not wait to get started on your case.
Contact a Marietta Pedestrian Accident Attorney
Nobody should have to fear being struck by a motor vehicle while walking in a pedestrian-friendly neighborhood or while crossing a busy street in a crosswalk. Yet unfortunately, pedestrian collisions involving negligent motor vehicle drivers occur with some frequency in Georgia and throughout the country. If you were injured in a pedestrian accident and you need assistance building a strong case for compensation, one of our Marietta car accident attorneys can assist you. Contact The Strickland Firm today for more information.