Things You Should Never Say After A Car Accident

Car accidents are extremely common in Marietta. Due to the fact that any careless act can result in a car crash at any time, it is important that all motorists know what steps to take after a car accident. However, it is just as important to know what not to do, and particularly what not to say after a car accident. In most cases, it is best to say as little as possible and only exchange information with the other drivers. Still, if you have to say more than that, make sure you avoid making the below statements.
“I am Sorry”
It is natural to want to apologize after a car accident. You may even just want the others involved to know that you are sorry that it happened at all. Regardless, you should never say, “I am sorry,” or apologize in any way after a crash. Afterwards, the negligent party and their insurance company will use this statement to show that you were at least partly at fault for the accident. If they are successful, it will greatly reduce the amount of damages you are awarded.
“I am Not Hurt”
You may think you did not sustain any injuries during the crash, only to find out later that you are injured. This is why it is so important to seek medical attention after any car accident, even if you do not think you are hurt. A doctor will examine you and may advise on any injuries you sustained, such as a concussion. Concussions do not always show symptoms right away, but this is true for many other injuries, too.
If you say you are not hurt and do not seek medical treatment, the insurance company will use it as an excuse to deny you the full damages you deserve. The insurer will argue that you were not hurt because you did not see a doctor.
“I Think”
Saying anything other than what you know are facts is a big mistake after a car accident. Even if you say you “think” something, the insurance company will still use that against you after a crash. For example, if you say you “think” the other vehicle came from around the corner, the insurer will say you must not have been paying attention because you do not know where the other vehicle was at the time of the crash.
Also, if you say you think something and it later turns out not to be true, the insurer may claim you were being dishonest. If they are successful with that argument, they may reduce or completely deny your claim.
Our Car Accident Lawyers in Marietta will Protect Your Rights
If you have been involved in a crash, our Marietta car accident lawyers at The Strickland Firm will advise on every aspect of your case and protect your rights. Call us today at 1-844-GAJUSTICE or fill out our online form to schedule a free consultation with one of our skilled attorneys so we can review your case.